Do The Talk

EP. 43 The Great Debate Property vs. Stocks and the Path to Wealth

March 05, 2024 Do The Talk
EP. 43 The Great Debate Property vs. Stocks and the Path to Wealth
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Do The Talk
EP. 43 The Great Debate Property vs. Stocks and the Path to Wealth
Mar 05, 2024
Do The Talk

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Ever weighed the solidity of brick-and-mortar against the thrill of the stock ticker? Join Sibriah and me, Hamed Lawafi, on a compelling journey into the investment landscape where we put real estate's enduring strength up against the dynamism of the stock market. We'll equip you with insights on the tangible benefits of property ownership, the art of negotiation absent in stock trading, and the potential for more substantial returns, all while considering the unique paths every investor walks.

Shift your mindset from traditional educational pathways to carving out your own road to financial independence. We dissect the idea that higher degrees are the sole ticket to success, opening your eyes to alternative avenues such as entrepreneurship and savvy real estate investments. Through the stories of industry giants like Amazon and Apple, we demonstrate how problem-solving capabilities can be the true catalyst for prosperity and innovation.

Wrapping up, we'll leave you contemplating the future of your investments and your career. As Sibriah and I exchange perspectives, we invite you to reflect on your own goals, encouraging a proactive approach to becoming marketable in today's fast-paced world. It's not about the diplomas on the wall; it's about grasping the boundless opportunities that lie ahead and steering your future towards a destination of success and stability.

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Ever weighed the solidity of brick-and-mortar against the thrill of the stock ticker? Join Sibriah and me, Hamed Lawafi, on a compelling journey into the investment landscape where we put real estate's enduring strength up against the dynamism of the stock market. We'll equip you with insights on the tangible benefits of property ownership, the art of negotiation absent in stock trading, and the potential for more substantial returns, all while considering the unique paths every investor walks.

Shift your mindset from traditional educational pathways to carving out your own road to financial independence. We dissect the idea that higher degrees are the sole ticket to success, opening your eyes to alternative avenues such as entrepreneurship and savvy real estate investments. Through the stories of industry giants like Amazon and Apple, we demonstrate how problem-solving capabilities can be the true catalyst for prosperity and innovation.

Wrapping up, we'll leave you contemplating the future of your investments and your career. As Sibriah and I exchange perspectives, we invite you to reflect on your own goals, encouraging a proactive approach to becoming marketable in today's fast-paced world. It's not about the diplomas on the wall; it's about grasping the boundless opportunities that lie ahead and steering your future towards a destination of success and stability.

Speaker 1:

Welcome to Do the Talk podcast. This is a real estate podcast where we explain to regular people how to invest in real estate. I'm your host, hamed Lawafi. My co-host is Sibriah. We are here to make real estate investing as seamless as possible. So if you have been looking, or you are looking, to invest in real estate, this is the right place to be at the right time. It's another Friday, ibrahim. How are you doing?

Speaker 2:

I'm doing well. Thanks for asking. So today is a great day because we are about to talk about something that I'm really passionate about, so I'm very excited to be here tonight. We've only been saying that this is not a get-reach quick scheme. We're talking about real estate here, so we encourage you to put in the work and you definitely reap the benefit. I've said this before this is a podcast that you come and learn and you grow with us.

Speaker 2:

We are not perfect. We are also learning. At the same time, we are committed to share our knowledge so that we all can be financially independent. The strategies, the ways to get there all is something we're going to dish out. We are not keeping any information or hiding anything. We are committed to make sure we all get to that financial freedom that we've been dreaming about. I mean, now we are investors, we have been doing it, it's working for us and we are happy to teach you guys. I mean it will feel so excited whenever we get a question from anybody, no matter what stage you are right now, if you haven't started or you have two, three, four, five, trust me, you will benefit from what we have learned so far. I mean. So tonight we are looking at stock or real estate. This is a kind of topic that people are so interested in. They want to know which one they can invest in right now. So what do you think? How can you get us started, please?

Speaker 1:

Thank you, ibrahim. The most important thing about this podcast is that we are more of a caption taker, so tonight is going to be hot seats. I would say, see, I'm going to be biased a little bit because real estate is my thing, but honestly, it's not really being biased, it's easy facts and I'm not hiding any pain. I'm going to dish out everything that way everyone can make informed decisions. So, without further delay, let's dive into is it real estate or are you sure you invest in or stock? It's not really either, or? In my opinion, it is good to invest in both for diversification. There's nothing wrong in investing in stock. However, real estate provides more security than stock. You asked me to explain. Let me explain. So real estate is tangible. Regardless of whatever is happening around the world, real estate will stand solid. There has been years that real estate witnessed some dung due to human error. That is how I see it. Imagine people giving out loans without proper verification, without proper due diligence. That is what really happened. And every investment at this time of volatility, which things like that can happen. But real estate has proven to be a solid investment. That is not my point number one. My point number one is actually, real estate is tangible. I can take a selfie in my house like, hey guys, I just buy this duplex, I just buy this small apartment, I just buy this hundred units apartment complex and it's a thing of joy to even drive by it and know this house belongs to me. That is just emotional. But what is the real business out of it? It's the fact that whenever something is wrong, because it is tangible, you can control if it is going to keep going south or you can turn it around and make it profitable again. What do I mean by that? So let's say the US government is fighting China and China decided to, or US decided to sanction China, or China decided to sanction US. In terms of trade, this can affect stocks. This can definitely drop your stock value, but in real estate, even if the house is worth $1, as long as it is habitable, you can still do. The rents stay solid all day, every day. If sanctions affect stock, that means your dividends can as well be affected, because whatever the company made, that is what you are getting dividends on, but rents stay solid regardless of market volatility. So that is one point for me and that is the major reason why I choose real estate over stock. I've actually sold some of my stocks over real estate before. That is how I provide one to the order. So that is very, very crucial when you are investing.

Speaker 1:

Control, in my opinion, is very, very and another one for me is uniqueness of real estate. Every deal is different. So the market information is not equal in stocks. The company that is selling their shares their stocks because you are buying a share of a company, that is what stocks is they have to provide you every details information before you can buy. Real estate is not like that. Deal diligence comes in in such a way that every deal is different.

Speaker 1:

You don't get bored with real estate because it poses different challenges every time. Tenant challenge is going to be there. People challenge is going to be there. Contractor challenge is going to be there. The deal you just closed is going to be different from the deal you will close next week. So I just like something that keep me in check and keep me going and keep challenging me, instead of having it like, okay, I can just press this button and then all is well and I don't have to do anything aside that. So that is personality. But I like the uniqueness in real estate. I like the uniqueness in real estate, so another one for me is bargaining.

Speaker 1:

You can actually price in real estate Stock. The price is there already, so they make it easy to attract people to it, but the return is not as great as real estate. People are not doing real estate as much as stock because one is easier than the other. But it's not that difficult to do real estate. It's not as if it is something that you cannot do. No, you just have to have that eye for opportunity.

Speaker 1:

Secondly, have the passion for helping people, because this boils down to helping other people in the long run. And third, you just need to network. You really need to get out of your immediate environs, because that will help your career in real estate. You can do it by yourself. I'm not saying you cannot, but a lot of time. You need other people that. You need contractor, you need real estate agent, you need property manager, you need lender. You will have to talk to people in real estate, which is basically running a whole business. Stock doesn't work that way. You can just press a button, boom, your stock is purchased, it's now yours. If you are trading, you can keep getting your dividend as if you set it. These are automated right now. Nowadays, you can just press a button and boom, everything is done. Real estate is different. It's going to be a little challenging, but that is part of it.

Speaker 1:

Another one is real estate bring money in a lot of ways. The number one is the king cash flow. You want to make sure that you are getting cash flow. You want to make sure you are getting cash flow, so the number one is the cash flow. The second one is the appreciation. You buy a house today. You are making your payment consistently. Then the value of that real estate goes up. The value of that real estate goes up. As long as you buy it in a very good area, area that is in demand, the value will go up. Third one is you are actually paying down using other people's money than your own debt. So your tenant is paying down your debt. That is huge, so you are not actually paying for it. Your tenant is.

Speaker 1:

And the very last one is the tax benefit, the depreciation. You can actually depreciate your house, your property, your real estate and your taxes. Stock doesn't have that, so that is very, very crucial. So this year my CPA told me something that I didn't know before and I wasn't prepared for it, so I couldn't take advantage of it. So let me share it real quick. I would have been able to depreciate 20,000. I mean take advantage of tax credits of 20,000 on my credit. But because I make it not really, I mean I wasn't prepared for it I couldn't take it. Just because I invest in real estate, I will have saved 20,000 in taxes. But now I know I know why I couldn't take the advantage this year. Let's see what will happen. I will prepare for it and go for that. That's it. It might even be higher next year. So real estate gives you all these benefits which some of them stock might do, but they are not in the same length or the same height as real estate.

Speaker 1:

Another one is insider trading. You can actually go and look up your city plan for next five, 10 years and see what your city is planning and invest according to their planning. Okay, let's say they are bringing a huge. Amazon is going to center, they are moving their headquarters here, stuff like that. People are going to be moving here, People are going to need housing to be close to their work, and stuff like that. You can actually invest around that information. If you do that in stock, it is not allowed. Once you know that information, insider trading is a violation of trading in stock, whereas in real estate it is legal. You can actually source for information to guide you. It is called due diligence. In real estate, yes, nothing wrong with it. So this is really key where you think about how it works when it is stock and how it works when it comes to real estate.

Speaker 1:

I can have 20K let's say I have 20,000 right now. If I have to put 20% down on a house, that means I can get a loan of 80,000 and put 20,000 and buy a house of 100,000. Let me kind of rewind a little bit. If I have 30,000 and I want to buy a house of 100,000 and my lender told me all I want to do is buy a house of 100,000. All I need is 20%. 20,000 is actually 20% of 100,000. That means I can have 20,000 and buy a house that worth 100,000.

Speaker 1:

My point is bank are going to lend you money to buy real estate. Bank will never lend you money to buy stocks. So you can actually own a house of 3 million by just having 600,000. You see what I'm getting at, but you cannot own a stock of 3 million by having 600,000. You actually have to have that money, the exact amount to buy stock. So to buy real estate bank will give you money to buy real estate as long as you meet the criteria and you have your dam payment. So, which means the money is not small, but you can have some like one over five of that amount and own the whole real estate. That is the power of real estate.

Speaker 1:

So we are projecting that rate is going to fall this year. What does that mean? That means a lot of buyer will come to market and when demand is high, what we have, if you buy real estate, the price goes up, don't quote me wrong. The price of stock goes up as well, but not at the same rate, and you are putting your feet in the hand of someone else. Let's say I buy a stock of Tesla because it's AI is everywhere right now and AI is the one that is rocking everywhere right now.

Speaker 1:

So let's say I buy Tesla, which makes sense. If in the most decided to run that company to plant, then my money is gone, my investment is gone. So I don't have any control over if I'm actually investing in people, I'm actually believing in them to run the company very well. For me to make a profit, real estate is not like that.

Speaker 1:

Real estate depends on you and your team. By saying your team, you are the one that will be running your own business. You control the property manager, you hire, you control real estate manager, you hire, you control the tenants, you literally control it. And as long as you do your ddle-delejet, you're not going to get born. So I've been saying all these advantages of real estate, ibrahim, I don't know if you want to. I mean at this point, before I kind of go into some piece, some information that people need to know, even though real estate is kind of have its own advantage, there are some downside that people need to be aware of too. It's not downside. Once you have that information, you will be better prepared and be able to face it as a challenge instead of seeing it as a problem. So I don't know if you want to come in at this point and let's have what you think about real estate or stock.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, thank you. So this is a very interesting topic. So, honestly, I have my own personal, so I used to be. There's something called diversification Nobody knows that which is to have different kind of business running at the same time. But then when I started reading and learning from some experts, I learned that before you really can benefit from diversification or to be an efficient investor, you have to hold a ground on one business force, like you have to be very steady on that business. Now, when you are so steady and you are grounded, it's easier to diversify. If you are not grounded, you are just juggling the two together. There's the eye chance that you're going to lose the two together or losing the bigger weight.

Speaker 2:

What is my point? My point is that I used to do some stocks in real estate but what I realized is that it will go up today, tomorrow is down or go for like a week or two, but it's coming down gradually and, just like you mentioned, a powerful or wealthy individual can crash a stock, but an individual will find it difficult to crash real estate because real estate is local. Wherever someone is doing in Florida cannot crash real estate in Indiana, just because real estate involves a lot of people, a lot of profession. I mean this is one of the reasons. Of course that's not the major reason. It's very deep. It involves taxes. If real estate crashes, it's going to affect the government. You think it affects you, but no, it affects the government more than you, because the EMS, the police, the fire service all of them depend on your property taxes to operate efficiently and effectively. They need that funding. And where does the government get the funding from? From your property taxes. That's where they get it from. You think the yearly taxes that will fight where they get money from? No, that one they get money there, of course, but that's not the major funding because that one some people will get 2,000 back, some will get 15,000 back. Technically, people are getting part of their money that if funded the government throughout the year they get it back. The majority of people are collecting tax back just because the way America is structured, the people that Actually not getting taxes back and the percentage is very low. I mean, I don't want to go into percentage today, but I'm sure you guys understand what I'm saying here. So Property taxes is where they have that control because it's every year they get that money, I think every six months and, and the majority of the time it is secure with the mortgage, so they are able to get it. So they depend on that Constant revenue which is your property taxes. It is what they use for the majority of the stuff in the city and the county that you are living.

Speaker 2:

Now why do I really like real estate? Why do I really Feels like real estate is better than Stock? It's because I like when I see my property, I see Motivation, I see the physical part of it, I see the condition, I see what I can do with our property, just because the control Kind of the market and myself. I need to mention that the market where me by, that is, the economy is really good. Your rent keep going up. If the economy is not really good, your rent might be what it is at that time. However, you still own that property. The property is still there. The value, the appreciation, might be slowed just because of the. You might slow down, but the physical property is still there and the right word for that is tangibility. Like it's there, it's not going anywhere. Now, if the market gets better, yeah sure, your asset will go up again. Look at the 2008 and all that there are a lot of properties that was built before 2008 and During the 2008 crash the value went down. But those property go there today. They have a lot of equity.

Speaker 2:

Okay, now, I'm not saying stock Will not rise and fall. That's not my point. But what I'm saying is that when stock rise and it falls, it's like you feel so scared, terrified, and all that just because it's just like a number. You see a number changing in front of me, not the real stuff like you don't see. It's not like a real estate where you see that, okay, that's, my property is still there. But this is just number and we all know how finances works in this country. Like all you see, even your bank account. You see the numbers, the real money, your money that is deposited is gone to someone else already. They are just giving someone else money to you and they rotate it. It's the same way stock. In fact, I Got scared.

Speaker 2:

I'm gonna give you a little example, a little story, why I kind of don't. I feel more realistic, more. Do you guys realize that at one point, tesla, tesla stock, like what they have in stock, what they have the money that they generated from when they split that stock with Apple and everything when it split it just because they want more people to buy it. The total asset of those stock it's way more than the physical value, physical asset that, elon Musk, which is Tesla, that they have on ground. So what would happen if there's a crash? It means a lot of people, their money is just going down the drain and you know it happened and I don't mean like the Tesla thing. They've come like 20,000 or maybe 18,000 out of Tesla, like it has to cut the value of those vehicles just because your it has too much Money on the stock market like this up value, but in real life you add up all the assets. It's not up to that.

Speaker 2:

Now Elon Musk would like to have this to match it up, like what he asked in physical and In the stock, which is the digital market, it would like to catch up and make it the same thing. I'll ever cool. It did not let him. He wasn't able to do that because a lot of materials is from out of country, a lot of technician, engineers and everything, everybody. There was a big lockdown we all you can remember that so they couldn't catch up. So technically you are just buying Like those people that bought some Tesla. Then they are just buying digital stuff like it's not back to it anything.

Speaker 2:

So I learned that stock can be manipulated and can fit, even if in the lawmaker, the Congress, all those government, those authorities, and that they can manipulate stocks. And If you put your money there and that's the only money you have, it can go away. So, anyway, stock is good. If you are already steady, you are grounded in another business. For me I will say real estate, because there are a lot of value If you are steady, you are consistent. You, you put all your energy in real estate and you are Dedicated to it, passionate about it. Do is real estate for 10 years? The passionate and consistent about you? Real estate would take care of you for the rest of your life. I don't mean you buy one property and you believe you are rich. No, that's not the point. Go hard on real estate and do it for 10 years. Believe me you, you are ready to retire Because real estate is tangible. I mean, I mean he just Elaborate on the tax benefit.

Speaker 2:

It's no brainer. You have a house that is physically there, that you are seeing. Anytime you go to that neighborhood or that street, the house. You check redfin, it is appreciating. You know how much you pay for it from the beginning. You know what is saying. Right now, however, when you fire taxes, you have that opportunity that legal Well, you have depreciating that asset Very legal. You depreciate it asset. That way your taxes will be paid. Lesson like you pay less tax just because the IRS Permit you to depreciate your asset and when you do that, you save money on taxes, even though in real life your property is going up. Now another one is you can do cost segregation. It's still fun, it's still form, is a kind of depreciation, but it's a more detailed depreciation of your asset and that saves you even more money, because now you are depreciating the cabinet, the refrigerator, the TV, the everything that is in that property that belongs to you, the landlord, or you, the investor, not to mention that the tenant is paying down your debt.

Speaker 2:

What else can I say? You see your property if you feel good because the property is dead, I'm not saying if you have a bad tenant, of course, but that's why you have to get a property manager that knows how to stream them out. Get a good property manager and let them put a good tenant in your property. You get in your cash flow passively. At the end of the day, you still get all the benefit I just outlined. You get all those benefits. The good news you don't have to go, don't go any far. Med is right there. It's your property, it's gonna manage it for you. You get that professional services for less. Anyway, why do I really? I have to say I mean, the same thing happened to me. I sold my stock. I mean I sold my stock 2020.

Speaker 2:

Initially, I don't even have too much belief on stock, but I just want to. I try to at least have something in stock and see how it's going. I bought Dior Hearting. I bought Amazon some Amazon. Of course you can buy like some instead of the full, because Amazon was $3000 and $2000. I bought some Amazon. I bought one of pharmaceutical companies, I think I bought Eli Lilly. I bought different kind of little, just bought some of them and see how it is. And I bought Disney. Yeah, disney was doing well. At one point it just went down and I mean it's nothing about Disney, it's just the stock market and kept crashing and all that and I just had to sell them.

Speaker 2:

So I want to be grounded, I want to be very balanced with my investment, which is unrealistic, before I go into all that kind of investment. There's nothing wrong with that, was fine, your investment is just that. I believe. Before you do that, it is a great idea if you can be steady on one first. Know the inner and out of that investment first before you start going to other investment just because it's tough. Even stock market, all of them you have to have more than basic knowledge for you to be prosperous in any of those business, even in real estate. But one thing I'll tell you with real estate you can buy property and someone else can take care of the rest for you. Stock market we know we have some stock brokers and all that and not everybody can have that. That's strong.

Speaker 2:

How do I say this? You have to trust that broker. That broker has to make sure everything is right. So the numbers is. How do you monitor that? I mean, I just see any way how my brain can actually give a. How do I say this? The way I see real estate, I just see it as a business that it can create a generational wealth. It's steady, it's reliable. I don't see how my brain can convince me that stock or someone else can show me that stock is way better than real estate. Just because I like to see what I invest my money into. I like to be able to control what is going on with my investment. I like that reliability.

Speaker 2:

If real estate should crash today, believe me, every other investment probably crashed, or they are in a bad shape for real estate to crash because it's like I mentioned earlier, the government depend heavily on property taxes and when they say crash, they won't be able to get enough taxes. The city is going to run down. They will loss more money, more revenue, than you do. I mean, we all care about investment, but the city has more interest in real estate that we do. Imagine the market crashed and they used to get like $3,000 from a single family house. Now they can only get $1,000. They've lost a lot of billions. They will lost a lot of billions in that situation. So, trust me, the government will do whatever they can to keep real estate alive, because it is the bedrock of every country, every state and every county, because they need that to run the whole city.

Speaker 2:

On my own side, I like that real estate cash flow. I like that the tax benefit. I like the reliability of real estate investment and I like the motivation, the inspiration I get whenever I see my property. And, by the way, we are just getting started. Real estate is very. The possibility is endless because you have 20 houses, 50, 60, no, there are a lot of people that have thousands of them because when you are passionate about it, you know how to do the business. You realize that it is very when you first started, that's when it's tough to get financing or it's tough to maneuver. The more you get rooted into the business, you start realizing it's very easy to scale up, it's very easy to get more and more property just because the real estate is designed.

Speaker 2:

And one of our audience, one of our VIP audience, as you say, he mentioned something that the bank will not borrow your money for stock. It's correct, very under percent. You cannot go to the bank and say I want to borrow money, I want to buy it. Even if you say Apple stock, it doesn't matter, tesla, it doesn't matter, they will not borrow your money Now unless you go to all this. There are some financial institutions that they really they are designed for stock just because the interest rate is high. They know what they are trying to do. But you cannot go to a conventional, traditional bank and say, hey, I want to borrow. No, you have to financial institution that the stock company like Wee Boo, all those Robinhood and stuff that they provided. That's the only way you can get some money to buy. But with real estate, they are happy to give you funding because they know if the deal is good, you're going to get cash flow, they're going to get paid and they make a lot of money from it. They know because it's a 30 years. Most of the time it's a 30 years mortgage.

Speaker 2:

So what am I saying here? I'm going to be a little I don't know if I should say, but I'm just going to say my preference. I believe real estate is better than stock investment because I believe it's more reliable. I love the tax benefit. I love the fact that my property is increasing in asset, I mean in appreciation. Is the values going up? I'll ever can file depreciation? I like the fact that I can modify my property and get a tax break on that, for example.

Speaker 2:

We always talk about billionaires. Don't pay tax, don't pay digital debt. Do you guys know the secret? The major secret is real estate. That's it so technically. I'll give you some of what they do at the end of the, before the year runs out. We realized that you can predict how much you can make because you know you have under houses, you know you have 10 hours, 50, 20, whatever. You know how much you're getting from rent, you know how much it is. So you already calculate, you already know expenses, debt. Okay, let me go in a real estate term. You already know your gross, you know your net, you know your taxes, you know all that. Now you've known that, the cash flow and everything, the profit throughout the year.

Speaker 2:

So what they do before the year runs out, they know their tax bracket. Of course they have CPA. They'll tell them okay, with this amount of money you have to invest to amount to avoid social taxes. Let's say it's 50,000. So they'll take 50,000 and go back to their properties and decide which one needs some modification or some custom, you know, application or whatever. They'll just try to do something to make those properties look better and more beautiful.

Speaker 2:

And after they do that one of the benefits they will increase the rent because the house now is more valuable and more they might change all the kitchen. I don't know, it just depends on how much they need to spend. They modify the kitchen, they put in if it's a big apartment they put in a pool, put in like different kind of new stuff that will make the tenant wants to pay more. A good investor will do a little survey to see what the tenant, what they are lacking or what they are hoping to get, and they will fix that thing in their apartment. And when they do that now, the next, when the lease, when their lease is over, they can increase the rent. More importantly, they can't file a loss on that because they've used that money. It's not expenses, even though it was deliberate, but it is allowing real estate because you use that money to upgrade the property. It's part of your expenses.

Speaker 2:

Anyway, all this stuff, they benefit, the loopholes, the legal way to save money in real estate, in real estate investment. So we start, of course we know about the capital gain and all that, but it's not as solid, it's not as robust Compared to real estate. That's benefit. So, all day, all night, I believe real estate investment is better than stock investment. I mean so I might be a little bit, maybe because of my passion on real estate and all that. I mean you've kind of shown me that you prefer real estate more. But is there any way we can come to the middle? Do you think there's a middle ground? Because for me I don't see any middle ground yet. I might come to the stock market, but I want to be a well-rooted, a very strong real estate investor before I really go into the stock market.

Speaker 1:

Go ahead. Yeah, absolutely so with everything you just mentioned. It's a fact, yeah, yeah, facts. Real estate is tangible, the tax benefits, the motivation behind you walking by your house knowing this is where my money is sitting. It's no brainer, it's really something that gives me joy personally.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

And I have no argument on if real estate is better than stock. It is. There's nothing anybody can tell me to convince me. However, I want to point this out that not everybody will have this view that real estate is required, yeah. So in that regard, I would like to point out some piece. See, guys, real estate all day or night. I'm not going to trade anything for it. That is a fact. That is my stand. I want to make that one clear. However, I hate advising people without letting them know what the risks are. This is not to scare you. This is not to scare you out of this stock market. That I'm real estate.

Speaker 1:

But when you have all the information you need, what that does is it allows you to be able to make reasonable decisions. So, which is what's the talk stand for? All the information here is legit. We are not trying to sugarcold. We always say this is not good. I'm not telling you buy my course and tomorrow you will be rich. No, that's not what it is. So this is legit information. Real estate is tangible, which makes it difficult when it comes to liquidation. Not difficult like you are not going to be able to get your money out of it, but when you want to sell real estate planning 30 to 60 or 90 days to sell real estate.

Speaker 1:

Unlike stock, you can print a body and your money will be your bank account a day or two. You see how that is. But if I am an investor I don't want to stop either, because if I can, easily access that money like that.

Speaker 1:

I will be thinking of selling it the minute I run into a problem. I will not, because even bringing this condition will be the first, easiest sensible solution. It will have a huge implication at the end. We are in a tough situation to go with the most easily accessible solution, so, which makes stocks even more volatile. In that regard, you can easily sell it and investment is gone. You are saving for your problems, you are saving for the future. Now you already sell it and you already cash out your money and move on. So that downside is not even a downside in my opinion. So another one is real estate Like I always mentioned.

Speaker 1:

You need these three things. You can't quote me anywhere on this one. I am 100% sure you need it. You need it, you need money and you need experience, but you don't need all of them. You can buy one or the other, depending on which one you are lacking. If you don't have the experience, real estate is there to look for your house for you. Then you can work your way to closing. If you don't know how to manage, property manager is going to be there. If you don't know how to fix contract, was there. If you don't know how mortgage works, that is what mortgage brokers does.

Speaker 1:

You can leverage people's experience. If you are living in California, you invest in New York. Guess what? There is a property manager in New York that you can call. I have this property. I want to put it under your money. Do you mind? Epi-mean checking my contractor. I have done this because once someone checks on your contractor for you, property manager will do it for you for free, because this is a business project Related to that. We do it, so stop flying. You can leverage on people's experience. Money you need money, but if you have money, you can use your time to leverage your money. That is not what we are here.

Speaker 1:

We are going to watch our first episode. We have explained how that can happen, but what I'm saying is you don't need all these things. You can actually there's a solution for them already. You just need to speak to real estate agents. Call Libra. We have all these resources as artists disposal.

Speaker 1:

Stop, it's emotional. Someone can just wake up tomorrow and decide okay, I want to. My business is not selling to US anymore. Us government can decide tomorrow I want to sanction Ukraine, I want to sanction Germany, I want to sanction this. Stop depends on other people's opinion. It's really. It depends on all these things.

Speaker 1:

So it's something that's. It's very, very fragile. It's got like a brain measure. When I see my stock always give me, now I don't even look at it anymore. I don't want to have a high blood pressure, but if you don't have any other source, you need to look at it. So, which is why you need all these skills in real estate, you need all these resources in real estate. So some people have done the job for you. You don't have to re-event the wheel, just leverage other people's and move on. So, ibrahim, another thing I want source to, of dwelling to is. It's just an expense when you go to college. When I say college, I'm not talking about BS. Sorry guys, if we are kind of moving away from stock, that is sad to do. Now you know where to put your money now.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, just before you go there, one of our VIP audience. He said there's no false appreciation in stock. It's correct I kind of glanced over it about you fix your property and when you fix it you're able to get more rent just because the property now has more amenities and all that and it's looking more attractive. So tenants are willing to pay more. It's still kind of like forced equity strategy. And of course there are other ways where you buy a house, you renovate the house and you refinance the house. That's also a forced equity, because you are putting equity into the house, because without you fixing it you won't be able to get the return that you get. You won't be able to get it. So that's a good one. Thank you, mr Sakala. That's a good one. Okay, ahmed, go ahead.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, we do have a story about Mr Sakala, but that is still coming up. It's still in the cooking. So what do you think about people that have let's say they have a bachelor's degree already and now some fish? Today, more you want to invest in yourself. Blah, blah, blah. You want to go and do masters. I'm not saying masters is bad. I'm not saying both with this economy and how inflation is rising like crazy right now. I just think people need to start taking action into their hands. What do you think, brian?

Speaker 2:

Yes, it is also one of the complex topics. The reason why it's complex is because when you give this kind of advice and really be truthful and say the way you see it, some people people that really love education they look at it as okay. What are you portraying or why are you emphasizing on that and all that? But here we are not trying to say, you can't quote anything. I feel like the way education has system, the way it is structured across the world, is kind of it just teach you how to be moral, how to be, how to be dependent on other people to get your daily expenses covered. It doesn't teach you how to fight for yourself, how to really go out there and thrive with little or no resources. It doesn't teach you how to be marketable, like really. I don't mean like the ideal marketing, I mean like really be marketable, which is the value that you have, and how to be confident and intellectually set for that particular goal or that particular career that you are pursuing. So do you need a master degree to be successful? No, you don't need master degree. You need masters to maybe to just have that as a backup or like something to get a position, because there are some courses that you have to do masters to even get that kind of job. So those kind of courses, of course you have to do your master, because then what is the need of you going to school when you are done with your bachelor? You couldn't get any job with that same career. And if you are passionate about that particular career, you have to go get a master's. But if you are randomly doing a course how do I say this? If you have the option to either go for something else, like a business, or see how you can generate income from another career, you might have to go there first before doing your master's.

Speaker 2:

Because first of all, with the masters you accrue more debt, and especially if that career does not pay or doesn't compensate as much as it should be. And of course the economy, the amount of supply, determines which career compensates, because no company wants to really pay you more than the value that they get from you. They everybody's. It's a capitalist system, we know that. So you have to stand out and you have to fight for yourself, be confident, competent and all that so you can get compensated at least close to what it should be. In reality, a lot of people are getting paid less than what they should get, but that's how it is set up. So my advice is don't rush to a master's degree classroom. Try to see first. Does it work it? Do you have to do that at this point, or is there any way to better off? I mean to get to that financial independent before you even think about your master's. I can just, oh, we're almost out of time, but yeah, anyway, we'll talk about that another day. But what is in about that?

Speaker 1:

So the our VIP audience just solved my problem. For me, it's about problem solving this life. See, amazon saw a problem, breached the gap. They become a multi-million yeah, I mean company right now.

Speaker 2:

Apple saw it. They worked a billion, multi-billion.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, they saw a problem. They saw it. You know. That is how the world revolved. So if you think always filing up this certificate is the solution, you need to think again. It's not about me now, now, now. What I'm saying is you are still living your future for other people's to decide. You are still living your future for other people's to decide. Like you mentioned, you can get a debt to go to that school and still not find a job. Where you can get it, that's in debt. Buy real estate and start house hockey. You know, get very aggressive with it and that's one capita. You can turn it to 15, 20 houses. At the end of the day you will be able to. From the cash flow, you will be able to save up the money. Even pay the masters if they are really passionate, just like Meshia about it. Pay off the masters without even going there.

Speaker 1:

You can always go do your masters at them. So I kind of answered a question for someone. I hope they are watching right now. It's really important to ask yourself what is going on around me. One. Secondly, we will next five, three, five years. The two leads to start again. It can be too late to start again. I mean, at this point I'm still regretting. Why am I just starting Now? For some people we'll be in my shoe right now in the next three years because they are still sleeping, just like I was sleeping before. So that is why we kind of take it upon ourselves to make sure we are coming here and talking about all this information action, action, action. There's nothing I can do than to come here every Friday to vote my time, the Brian's vote is time and we come here to talk about all this information. That are how they vote. It is left for you to decide if you continue to leave your faith in someone else and keep completely.

Speaker 1:

They are not giving you a raise or you will take it upon yourself and make yourself marketable. Find the solution that you need to be solved. There is a shortage of housing in the US right now that you can jump into and stop part of it and, in return, get your fears here. So that would be my opinion on it. I'm not saying Masters is bad. I'm just saying assess your situation very, very well, critically and probably take other people's advice to it. People say go, then go. So that would be the hand, the Brian Menin Last Word before we go.

Speaker 2:

No, I just want to thank our audience, or VIP audience, for showing up tonight, and it mentioned the big one, which is the problem solving, and everyone's strived to solve someone else's problem, so that's a big one real estate and thank you for sharing that. So tonight I think we are already past the time, so I just want to say, if you are looking for a property manager a reliable one his property will take your view because, at the end of the day, you don't have to manage yourself. Why would you deal with the edict and all that when you know that someone is going to guide you?

Speaker 1:

from they need to buy it before they manage it. So if you want to buy it, we should really shop.

Speaker 2:

Sure, sure. Some people already own the property. They already own it. They're frustrated right now about where things are going Because they are different strategies. With real estate, you just have to talk to people that know how to do it and get you the right cash flow. You're getting the right cash flow, you are in a better shape. Someone is taking care of the property for you. So just give him a call, text him and he will guide you from A to Z. All right, amit. If they want to reach out to you, how can they reach out to you? It's my number 317-689-7075.

Speaker 1:

You can always text, call anytime and anything realistic really. If I don't know it. My boss is right there. Ibrahim Want to buy a house? You want to? If I want to sell your house, anything that has to do with estate agents, brokerage and stuff like that. You are safe. And, Ibrahim, if they want to reach out to you with their real estate needs, how can they reach you?

Speaker 2:

Yeah, thank you. Anyway, I'll say stop. If you want to reach out to me, 317-728-0213. The company name is Iberutos and it's written down there. We'll take care of you. Anything real estate, we got it. Just give us a call. Anyway, we want to say thank you for coming and we will see you guys next week. Have a good one, Bye.

Real Estate vs. Stock Investing
Benefits of Investing in Real Estate
Benefits of Real Estate Investment
Master's Degrees and Real Estate Analysis